

Besame Mucho

PostcardNicky NeimanComment

Argentinean photographer, Ignacio Lehmann, has traveled all over the world “catching kisses.” His project began a couple years ago in New York City, where he photographed his first 100 kisses in one city. Since then, he has traveled through Europe, South America and Asia searching for more kisses.

Sundays in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro

PostcardVanessa GriggsComment

There is always an array of entertainment going on at the foot of the rock—coco water for sale, acrobats on the beach, musicians playing a little tune, surfers running in and out of the water, bodies seeking attention, bikinis for sale, kissing—lots of kissing, kids excited to conquer the rock, tourists with all sorts of cameras, girls bouncing soccer balls high off of their knees and lifeguards making sure no one got in trouble.